Frozen lemons are great! Find out why you should try to store them in your freezer!


The second life of frozen lemons


Some life hacks have been around for centuries and yet we aren’t aware of them. Freezing lemons is definitely one of them. You have probably never tried to freeze the lemons you freshly bought from the supermarket. But that should definitely change and we will explain to you why! Just keep reading and you will learn everything you need to know.

Lemons are amazing

It’s no surprise that lemons are one of the most popular fruits from around the globe. Adding a few drops of lemon juice makes food taste fresher and creates a more interesting flavor profile. Needless to say, lemon juice is also very popular as a drink when combined with other juices or alcoholic beverages. And then there is also lemon pie and lemon curd, delicious treats that combine sweetness with the refreshing sourness of this lovely citrus fruit. Are you also a fan of lemons? Find out why freezing them is a great idea.

Freezing lemons

Have you ever wondered if you should freeze lemons? Go to the next page to find out why freezing lemons is a great idea!


Eating lemons

Lemons are typically not eaten as a snack as they are quite sour and tart. Freezing them makes them much more suitable for snacking as the cold temperatures reduce the sourness of the fruit considerably. As you probably already know, lemons are super healthy and offer plenty of medical benefits as the Vitman C they contain boosts your immune system and helps your body fight infections. They also contain substances that help prevent cancer, regulate blood pressure and they are even considered to be helpful for mental health, as they help against stress and depression.

The lemon peel

The reason why frozen lemons taste different than lemons stored at room temperature is the level of acidity. Freezing lemons reduces this acidity, which is why they taste significantly less sour. The acidity will only return when the fruit thaws. Please be aware that the lemon peel contains 5 to 10 times (1) more vitamins than lemon juice which is why you should definitely make use of it and not just throw it away. Frozen peel tastes amazing, just make sure to wash the lemon properly before storing it in the freezer!


Lemon peel adds a uniquely refreshing taste to food and drinks. Just sprinkle some of it on salads, ice cream, or even spaghetti and enjoy the flavor. Make sure the lemon is completely frozen before applying it to your food as frozen peel tastes way better than regular peel. More and more families make use of this cooking hack so don’t miss out and try it for yourself!

