13 kinds of fish to avoid eating


Eating seafood should be healthy, right? Well, it depends. " Marine pollutants pose a greater risk to the environment and human health, "said Brian clement, author of" killer fish: how eating aquatic organisms can harm your health "and co director of the Hippocrates Institute of health. Some fish are contaminated with metals, industrial chemicals, pesticides and parasites, which may be harmful to our health and the surrounding environment. Other risks include foodborne diseases and fraudulent marketing practices. In addition, unsustainable fishing practices have a significant impact on our marine ecosystems. Many species are severely overfished or become by catch, which is the accidental capture and death (and waste) of non target fish and other marine animals during commercial fishing. It is estimated that the global by catch accounts for about 40% of the global total catch, with a total of 63 billion tons. Which fish is the most important to avoid? Please read on...

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fish purchase guide


when buying fish in the market or restaurant, it is important to read the label and ask questions, so that you can make a more informed purchase. What is the country of origin? Is it wild or farmed? If it's wild, is it a pole or a long line? If it's farmed, in an open enclosure (potential pollution) or in a closed pool? Watch out for fish that are off-season or that are too expensive to be real. Fish fraud (replacing more expensive fish with cheaper fish) is a common problem in global markets and restaurants. Other tips? When buying wild fish in the store, please check the MSc eco label on the package to ensure the correct fishing methods are used. In addition, downloading the seafood watch mobile app from the Monterey Bay Aquarium will help you make smarter choices when you buy.

related: Monterey Bay Aquarium's free Seafood Watch app for iPhone and Android

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1. If you want to eat this kind of fish, please be very picky about its origin. Perch in Chile is high in mercury, and adults can only eat it twice a month (assuming no other contaminated fish is eaten). It is also threatened by overfishing. Demand for bass in Chile is high, but global stocks are shrinking. Especially in Chile, which is far away from the Crozier islands, Prince Edward and Marion islands, and where overfishing is rampant. In addition, there is no accepted population assessment in these areas, and other species are often captured and threatened as part of the harvest. Another option is to choose Chilean bass from Macquarie in the South Pacific, Falkland Islands off the coast of Argentina or the remote Antarctic islands of Hurd and McDonald. In addition, please check the MSc's blue eco label for certified sustainable products.

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2. Tilapia

"it's a completely avoidable fish," said Brian clement, CO director of the Hippocrates Institute of health and the author of "killer fish: how to eat aquatic life and harm your health." Tilefish has some of the highest levels of mercury, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends adults serve up to once (assuming no other contaminated fish is consumed). At present, tilapia is overfished, and there is a major by catch problem. If you want to enjoy tilapia, look for fish in the middle of the Atlantic, where there are better ways to fish.

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Platycodon grandiflorum

Platycodon grandiflorum can survive for 100 years, but although it is one of the oldest fishes, the global population of Platycodon grandiflorum is very low due to its slow breeding cycle and overfishing. " Although marine fishing has become very regulated, fish stocks have not recovered from the popularity of this fish. Due to overfishing and the destructive trawling methods used by fishermen, the seafood watch at the Monterey Bay Aquarium ranked the orange roughy shark "avoid." In addition, the environmental protection fund issued a health report warning that the mercury content in orange roughage was too high.

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4. Shark

Mercury moves up the food chain. When it falls as part of rain or snow, it will pollute our natural water source. Mercury is absorbed by small aquatic plants and animals, by large fish, and then by larger fish, so the content of mercury accumulates through a process called "bioaccumulation". The environmental protection fund recommends against eating sharks because of their high mercury content and because of overfishing, shark populations are at historically low levels. It is estimated that half of the sharks killed each year are caused by bycatch.

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this kind of fish should be completely avoided. Mackerel has the highest mercury content. The EPA recommends that women and children avoid eating at all and that men eat no more than one serving per month (assuming no other contaminated fish). Why risk it? In addition, the mercury content of Atlantic mackerel is very low, and it gets the "best choice" ecological rating from the seafood watch of Monterey Bay Aquarium.

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6. According to chef Frankie telzori, the Atlantic cod has been overfished and the number has declined dramatically. Generally speaking, most Atlantic cod should be avoided or limited except for the COD in the recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). These systems are maintained on land with highly controlled inputs and outputs, reducing the impact on habitats. Their populations will also be monitored.


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7. Swordfish contains the highest level of mercury in fish, and it's important to remember that Mercury accumulates over time. The EPA recommends that adults eat one serving per month (assuming no other fish is contaminated) and children should avoid swordfish altogether. In addition, most swordfish are caught with long lines, which can also catch threatened or endangered animalsIncluding turtles, sharks and seabirds.

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8. Escola is usually sold as "white tuna". Escola is considered very delicious, but eating too much can cause diarrhea, an unpleasant diarrhea. Escar contains an indigestible fatty substance called glutathione, which gives fish a sweet creamy taste and texture, but it can cause intestinal problems if diners overindulge. Keep this in mind when ordering or purchasing fish and stick with 6 oz. or less fish.

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Credit: South African zoology illustration

9. Bluefin tuna

most types of tuna, including yellow fin tuna, long fin tuna, black fin tuna, bigeye tuna and light tuna, contain medium to high levels of mercury. The content of bluefin tuna also increased, but the score of ecological friendliness was also very low. Longline fishing is the most common fishing method, which results in a large number of by catch. In addition, because of the high demand for bluefin tuna (mainly sushi), the species has been overfished. The average weight of these fish has grown to 500 pounds, and they mature slowly - they are usually caught before they have a chance to reproduce.

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10. Red snapper (wild, U.S. South Atlantic)

Red Snapper makes the "avoid" list of seafood watches. Because of the problem of continuous overfishing, the population has declined seriously. Since the 1980s, you should also be careful to buy red snapper, because the "true" red snapper (from Massachusetts to Mexico) is often mislabeled in the market. Other fish, including tilapia and grouper, are usually sold under the name red snapper. Better alternatives to red snapper include Haddock and striped bass.


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11. Caviar (white sturgeon, spade and Mississippi River sturgeon)

caviar is the egg of fish. Black caviar is collected from sturgeon, which is overfished. " These gentle prehistoric giants have lived for millions of years, but because of the huge demand for their eggs, they are almost extinct. Sturgeon and sturgeon are "long-lived, slow-growing fish that reproduce later in life," which increases their risk of overfishing, according to the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch.

: span migianlstd. Co., Ltd. / photo / Getty image H3> 12. People who eat seafood should be careful when eating seafood. This kind of fish can cause histamine poisoning, or scoliosis poisoning. If not refrigerated properly, bacteria will break down the amino acid histidine in fish and form histamine, which will lead to diseases similar to allergic reactions. " If you don't focus on the whole supply chain, this kind of fish is the histamine producer, "said chef Frankie tezzoli. Some mahjong with abnormally high levels of histamine will not go bad at all, while others may have a bad smell or honeycomb appearance when cooking. Other fish that can cause scrotal poisoning include tuna, mackerel, bonito and bonito. Buying from reputable sellers may reduce the risk of infection.

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13. Grocery tuna sushi roll and seafood tray

if you buy grocery Tuna Roll, please understand that most of them are made of unqualified seafood. Their low-quality tunas are usually treated with filtered carbon monoxide to make them red and extend their shelf life, chef Frankie terzoli warned. Tuna, said 'previously frozen' and still bright red in color, have been processed to make sure the meat looks fresh, "he added. This means you can't judge freshness by the look of the fish. Think twice before buying seafood trays at your local grocery store. " "Usually it's packaged outside the store and subject to a long distribution time," Frankie tezzoli said. Because the seafood supply chain is not well tracked, it's hard to change hands with one and stay in the warehouse for a while. "

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What do you think? Do you like seafood? Would you avoid some seafood choices? If so, why? Are there any fish on the list that surprises you? As an alternative to this list, what kind of fish would you like to eat? Please leave a message below to let us know.



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