11 reasons for your poor exercise (and ways to recover)



if you exercise for a long time, some days are better than others. There are days when you may feel weak, sore, tired, or not motivated at all. But too many "days off" will make it easier for you to give up. In fact, according to the American Academy of sports medicine, more than half of new exercisers quit within three to six months of starting an exercise program. The reasons vary - your emotional state, diet, sleep patterns, or a range of other factors. But you can overcome bad exercise! Keep reading to help you pinpoint why you may have had a bad exercise and how you can recover.

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1. You need an attitude adjustment

How do you talk to yourself to make your exercise successful or fail. To m Holland, M.S., CSCs, author of beat the gym, said that if you think about how much you hate exercise, your bad attitude may ruin your whole exercise. Instead of thinking you're tired, aching, or just hating the whole exercise, change every idea to a positive one. If you're doing cardio, imagine a positive thought for every foot impact. Think about it, "I feel good, I do well," and you'll start to feel better. "Focus on the quality of every step or action you represent and see your confidence and performance improve.

correlation: 12 ways to let your magic spell recover In addition, not giving yourself enough time to treat can make you more likely to be away from home longer - that's exactly what you want to avoid. " "If you run normally, but you've developed injuries like plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the tendons along the soles of your feet), then you can replace running with cycling, swimming or other non impact aerobic exercise," said Tom Holland, M.S., CSCs. You'd better take an extra day or two off instead of finishing a week or more because you're back up. "

correlation: 5 tools to help you recover like a professional athlete. Amy Goodson, a sports nutritionist for the Dallas Cowboys and co-author of swimming, cycling, and running eat: a complete guide to fueling your triathlon, said that if you exercise on an empty stomach, trying to "save" calories by exercising on an empty stomach would be counterproductive. Goodson recommends eating a snack containing carbohydrates and lean protein 45 minutes before exercise. Good choices include almond butter and whole wheat crackers or Greek yogurt and berries and honey.

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4. You eat the wrong food before exercise. If your diet is not the same as yours, eating the wrong food before exercise may be worse than not eating anything. " Amy Goodson, a registered dietitian, said: "a meal that is too high in fat can make your stomach feel 'heavy', which can make you uncomfortable running, cycling or other ways." Eating too fast before exercise can cause nausea or indigestion. " If you exercise after meals, give yourself two to four hours to digest before exercising. For small snacks, set aside 30 minutes to an hour to replenish your energy without making you drowsy, "Goodson said. In the early days of exercise when you can't eat too much solid food, liquid snacks before exercise quickly digest and provide water. Goodson recommends a premixed drink, or your own, including whey protein, fruit, water or milk. If you need more calories or protein, add peanut or almond butter.

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5. Michele Olson, Professor of exercise physiology and Ph.D. at Ben University in Montgomery, Alabama, said that lack of sleep is a sports killer. " If you don't get enough sleep, your circadian rhythms (your body's natural biological cycle) will be out of sync. A 2011 Stanford University study showed that if basketball players sleep from 6 to 9 hours a night to 10 hours left and right, their free throw percentage and sprint speed will increase by 9%. Adults need at least seven hours of sleep a night on average, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

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6. You need to rest

the back-to-back training has no time to recover, it will make you feel sore and tired. " Rest and recovery are key variables in exercise and conditioning, "said Dr. Michele Olson, Professor of sports science. In fact, they are just as important as the right intensity, frequency, and duration. In the recovery process, muscle cells can either supplement energy or repair themselves, "the recovery time you need depends on the intensity of exercise; more intense exercise requires more rest time. Be careful with signs of overtraining, including decreased overall performance, muscle soreness, and increased resting heart rate.

related: clean your exercise program in spring: throw away 21 bad habits today. If you're dehydrated, just a little dehydration can have a significant impact on your performance. " "2% of the body's dehydration level is equivalent to about 10% of the performance decline," said Amy Goodson, a sports nutritionist with the Dallas Cowboys. When dehydration worsens, so does performance. When you exercise in a dehydrated state, you will feel tired, drowsy, dizzy, headache or cramps. A light yellow color means that you have plenty of water, but if it's apple juice color or darker, you need water. Ideally, drink 16 to 20 ounces of fluid two to four hours before exercise and another 10 to 30 minutes before exercise, Goodson said.

correlation: 12 ways to make water taste better. Tom Holland, M.M. of CSCs, said that your exercise is too difficult. SetChallenge your goals. Don't be so unrealistic that you give up before you reach them. For example, pull up is a very hard sport. Therefore, rather than trying to start directly from the outside of the gate, it is better to start from a small place, pull once, or even half a time. Or try it in a private place at home before you go to the gym. On the other hand, don't be afraid of failure, Holland said. We tend to do what we are good at, so put your ego aside and focus on your state, not the weight or the number of repetitions you can do. "

correlation: 11 simple ways to increase and change your strength training routine. If your exercise plan is about jumping around on any machine you can use in the gym, and you don't know why, then you will feel bored or depressed. " "A lot of people accept this or that and don't get the satisfaction of having a focus," says Tom Holland, M.M., CSCs. When you have a plan, such as setting a certain mileage, when you achieve this goal, you will get great satisfaction from it. "Set exercise goals by working hard to achieve the goals provided on livestrong.com, where you can do high-intensity exercises in just 30 minutes. Or ask a qualified personal trainer to help you design the course to your goals.

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10. You live on junk food. To perform at the best level, you need to supplement your body with nutritious food, not fast food or junk food. Amy Goodson, a registered dietitian, said that whole grains, lean protein, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats can provide your body with the energy to survive and exercise. "Just like a car, if you keep putting the wrong fuel into your body, it won't work at the highest level. Processed food can make you feel tired and lack of energy, especially when you exercise. Besides, bad eating habits make you less likely to have the energy to exercise. "Replenish your energy properly, and your exercise will reflect that."

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11. If you are ill, lack of energy and muscle ache may be your cold or more serious symptoms. If your symptoms are mainly over your neck, such as an itchy throat, a slight headache, or a runny nose, you can continue to exercise with some adjustments, "said Kristine Arthur, a physician at the orange coast Memorial Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California. Avoid strenuous activities that require a lot of energy, such as sprinting or weightlifting. "But if you have systemic symptoms, such as muscle soreness, chills, nausea, gastrointestinal problems or fever, it's best to stay at home and fully recover.

related: what do you think of Stockbyte / Stockbyte / Getty Images? How did you feel in the last training? Is it good or just like this? Why don't you exercise well recently? How did you turn it around? Please let us know in the comments section below and let us know if these suggestions help.

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