The fastest strongest and healthiest animal in the world


The animal kingdom is a wild world. Animals must avoid predators, fight against competition, fight against disease. And the risk is high: good health is the key to health and survival. The animal kingdom has no Olympics or playoffs: health is a matter of life and death. From crazy and powerful fighting skills to amazing life span and amazing speed, there are the most suitable creatures on land, air and water.

Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

1. The strongest insect: Horny dung beetle. Scientists call it the strongest insect in the world because it can pull 1141 times of its weight. It's the equivalent of a 150 pound person lifting six double decker buses full of passengers. " Robert knell of Queen Mary University in London, the study's author, told ScienceDaily that insects are known for performing amazing feats of power because of their curious sex life. Females tunnel where they mate, but if males enter the tunnel when the tunnel is occupied, the two pursuers lock the horns and try to pull each other out. Romantic!

Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

2. The best rest: do lions think you need a lot of sleep? "Lions sleep 20 hours a day," said Beth Schaeffer, director of the Los Angeles Zoo. His thick mane made him less agile, so most of the hunting and parenting was done by females. "Once the females bring their dinner home, the males will not only eat first, they will also wolf down most of the food (leaving only some residue as their pride) in the food bag. Contribution:

3. The most robust digestive system: vultures


considering that they often eat rotten meat, how can vultures consume all bacteria without getting sick? According to a study published in nature letters, their guts are lined with two very specific microbes that destroy toxins. These magical microbes are dangerous to humans, but they help scavengers digest animal carcasses. Now, who will have dinner?

Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

4. The best immune system: chimpanzees

"the speed of chimpanzees' self-healing is impressive," Schaffer said. [when attacked], they will have deep wounds and large pieces of meat hanging on their bodies, which will make people stay in hospital for a long time, but they will recover in about a week. Studies have shown that chimpanzees are less likely to die of certain diseases because of their unique immune system. Fastest swimmer: swordfish is named "fastest swimmer" because it swims at 68 miles per hour. But there's a trap, "Schaeffer points out. When swordfish jump, there is less resistance in the air, so they can speed up more. Life science points out that in the 200m race, the sailfish will finish in 10 seconds, while Phelps will be 1.42 minutes behind.

Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

6. The fastest land animals: mites

head down, cheetah. The fastest land animal is the mite, an arthropod smaller than sesame and invisible to the naked eye. According to a study published in the Journal of experimental biology, the speed of the mite is 322 individuals per second. " By contrast, cheetahs can run 16 body lengths per second, "said study author Samuel Rubin, a doctoral student at Stanford University School of medicine. He hypothesized that part of mite evolution was to move quickly so that it could hunt effectively.

Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

7. The longest life span: tortoises live longer than humans, so it's not clear how long they can live. Thomas, a British tortoise, was euthanized at the age of 130 after being bitten by a mouse, National Geographic reported. Others have lived for about 250 years. " "Tortoises eat clean vegetables and herbs, and their metabolism is very slow, so their organs don't have to be that hard," Schaeffer explained. However, they are not inactive due to long-distance migration. They're just slower. "

Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

8. "The most flexible animals: sea lions

" sea lions can bend back until their heads almost touch their backs, "Sheffield said. "They also have the flexibility to rotate quickly and catch fish," the dolphin research center also reported. Their extremely flexible pelvis also allows sea lions to rotate their rear fins under their bodies. Flexible limbs also help to twist themselves into their favorite sleeping position, such as four flippers under the body, or standing upright with the nose pointing to the sky. It sounds comfortable.

Credit: Gracie Wilson / Livestrong. Com

What do you think? Which animal do you think is the most impressive? What's your favorite animal? If you were an animal, what type would you be? Please tell us what you think in the comments!

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