When you stop having sex 12 things are bad for your health



if the only pleasure you have recently been naked is bubble bath, then you are not alone. From sexual activity to apathy is common, especially in long-term relationships. You may find that you no longer have sex because of a breakup, a change in your health, or stress in your life. Although sex is not necessary for overall health, there is scientific evidence that physical intimacy, arousal and orgasm can bring some great benefits you may miss. Read on to learn about the negative effects of not having sex on your physical and emotional health, and then use that information as a motivation to get back on your feet.

Credit: Twenty20 / @ nickbulanov1. Less endorphins

arousal and orgasm cause the body to release feel good chemicals (endorphins). These chemicals are known to reduce pain and promote mood. Sheila lornson, a gynecologist in San Jose, California, said that if you stop having regular sex, you may miss those fast runs - similar to ending exercise, which once brought you the well-known "running orgasm." More stress

if you remember how relaxed you felt after playing in a single bed, you may not be surprised to find that the less sex you have, the more stress you have. In a 2010 study published in the Journal of family psychology, female college students reported their levels of daily stress and sexual activity in the months before an important exam. The most stressed women also said they had less sex. While there are other ways to control stress, you may find that as sexual activity decreases, your stress level increases. On the other hand, high stress reduces sexual attraction.


3. Less relationship satisfaction is like a feel good glue for many couples to attract and maintain your emotional connection. Unless you're asexual, having less sex with your partner can lead to less satisfaction for both of you. The study in the Journal of family psychology also showed that women who had less sex had lower relationship satisfaction. This may be partly because orgasm causes the release of the brain's chemical oxytocin, also known as the "binding hormone." It can create a sense of trust and intimacy, and even help you and your partner see each other in a more positive light. Now listen to this: why the obsession with "happiness" in the United States makes us feel completely stressed. Four. Self judgment and low self-esteem may also damage your relationship in another way, including with yourself. " "From a medical point of view, less sex doesn't affect neurotransmitters or medical diseases," said Sheila lornson, a gynecologist. "However, the emotions and judgments we put on ourselves are harmful." The smallest sexual or sexual impulse can lead to confusion of emotional challenges, such as self judgment, embarrassment and anxiety. " These emotions begin to fester within us and may extend into our relationships and be perceived by our partners, "she added. Erectile dysfunction

less busy may be the prescription to reduce erectile dysfunction. Men who had sex once a week were half as likely to have erectile dysfunction as men who had less sex, according to a 2008 study published in the American Medical Journal. The researchers studied more than 900 male participants aged 55 to 75 and concluded that regular sex can prevent ed. Stephen Snyder, M.D., a sex therapist in New York City, said that while many other factors can lead to ED, once they happen, they can lead to other problems, such as tension... And sexual avoidance. " ED may be the first reason men avoid sexual partners. An uncoordinated vagina, whether with a partner or single, can promote vaginal health. According to the North American Menopause Association, this is particularly important in middle age and beyond, because dryness and decreased elasticity are a common result of hormonal changes. Sex games stimulate blood flow to your genitals, helping to maintain the tension of your vaginal muscles and their current length and elasticity. Similar to dealing with erectile dysfunction, it also makes sex more attractive and enjoyable.


7. When you are sexually active, whether female or male, you may notice that dampness plays a major role in arousal. Sexual excitement stimulates glands and moistens the vagina. If a woman no longer feels regular or full sexual arousal, they may experience vaginal dryness - which can be painful for any sex life. While there are other causes of "below" dryness, such as hormone imbalances associated with menopause, regular masturbation or conjugal play can make all the difference.

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8. According to a report published in the Journal of economics, it's hard to say which is the first, less sexual activity or depression, but research shows a significant link between the two. Conduct and organization in May 2015. If you are depressed or depressed, you may not be very interested in sex. However, considering the good benefits of sex, it is quite possible that from vigorous sex life to little sex life can lead to dull emotions. Regular foreplay and sex may be exactly what doctors want. Credit:

9. This is another possible Article 22. Although sex may help reduce stress and contribute to heart health, stress and poor cardiovascular health can interfere with sexual arousal and function. A 2010 study published in the American Journal of Cardiology found that low frequency of sexual activity was associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The Cleveland Clinic says studies like this don't necessarily prove that sex can prevent heart disease, but they do show that sex fits a heart healthy lifestyle. The lower immune function

touch, wake-up and orgasm reduce the pressure level of the body through pleasure, provide comfort and release feeling, and make the chemicals that feel good move up. All of this helps your immune system, because a less stressed body is better at fighting disease. Not having sex again may cause you to lose all the benefits you've gained and may cause you toMore susceptible to colds, flu and other viruses.

Credit: Twenty20 / @ don CE

11. Although the decrease of sexual desire will have the opposite effect, the less sexual life may lead to the less sexual desire over time. Many people and sex experts report that "use it or lose it" applies to your sexuality. From a physical point of view, if little or no sexual activity has a detrimental effect on your sexual health - for example, leading to vaginal dryness or erectile dysfunction - you and your body may become less likely or often awakened. And the more you're not used to sex, the more likely you're to get used to not having sex, or start thinking about yourself as not having sex. Think of it as a snowball effect.

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12. Sheila loanzon, M.D., a gynaecologist, said that when women worry about having too little sex, they tend to blame themselves for doing something wrong, "if you compound for a long time, it will affect self-confidence and sexual desire." In addition to addressing any medical or emotional causes of loss of libido, priority should be given to happiness. Knowing your body through masturbation and allowing yourself to enjoy sexual life at will will will help restore lost self-confidence.


if you want to mount the sexual saddle again, please refer to your doctor if you suspect there is any medical problem. To restore or maintain desire, gynecologist Sheila lawnson suggests linking things to diversity. " "Studies of sexual function have consistently shown that sexual desire and pleasure increase in new relationships," she said. While I don't advocate people looking for new partners to improve their sex lives, I encourage people to explore and investigate the novelty, change, and change of perspective in their current relationships. "Managing stress, fatigue and poor body image also helps," she added. What do you think? What are the benefits of your favorite regular sex? Do you notice the health challenges when you go out? Please let us know in the comments below!

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