9 benchmark of women's basic strength



many women think that they can't become strong. They shouldn't train as hard as "men". They should choose beautiful, pink and three pound weight to avoid being overweight. As a result, while many women are pinching the fat on the back of their arms, they do not set quantifiable objective goals centered on performance, but say "I want to get rid of the fat mass on their legs" or "I want to get rid of this". While having such a wide range of goals is good, focusing on quantifiable and performance-oriented goals, for various exercises is the fastest way to meet general aesthetic goals. In view of this, please continue to read some recommended female strength benchmarks.

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1. A good goal is to press 75% of the body weight for one repetition, or 85% for five repetitions. Matt Cassie, the boss of training and performance at Timothy Cassie in Cincinnati, recommends multiple groups of high-weight, low repetition movements for women. Methods: lie on your back, grasp the barbell which is shoulder width or slightly width, lower the barbell to the middle of your chest, and push the barbell backward to the full extension. Make sure your shoulder blades are pulled together to ensure good foundation support and protection for your shoulders. The elbows should close slightly to the torso at a 45 degree angle.

correlation: comparison between bench and fly

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2. When standing, press the barbell by 60% of your body weight

standing barbell press is a powerful indicator of your maximum strength. At the same time, press on the vertical plane, and focus on the front shoulder, triceps and core muscles. Holly Mitchell, ifbb's graphic pro and co owner's live fitness Cincinnati, recommends working to repeat the largest barbell press three to five times a week, then supporting a significant weight reduction, and performing four to five sets of eight to 12 reps. How to do it: grab a shoulder wide barbell and start with the one on your upper chest. Tighten the whole body, do not use the lower back, lift the barbell over the head and push back slightly.

correlation: dumbbell press bar and bench press bar.

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perform 10 standard push ups

traditional push ups are excellent indicators of upper body strength endurance (especially chest, front shoulder, triceps and core muscles) and relative strength. If you can't do any full push ups right now, Matt kasee of Matt kasee training & performance recommends using a barbell 3 to 4 feet off the ground in the power rack to reduce the percentage of weight you have to use. How to do it: do a standard push up with your hands on your chest. Lower your body to the ground, keep your elbows at 45 degrees, tighten your abdomen, and keep your neck in a neutral position. Drive across the floor without sagging your back.

correlation: have you mastered push ups? Try these push up rotations.

points: Adobe stock / Alen Ajan

4. Completing a weight squat

is like push ups. Squat is another important indicator of your upper body strength tolerance and strength relative to your weight. However, they tested the opposite muscles: the upper back, the lats, the biceps and the gripping muscles for pulling. " "First use a chin up assist machine," says dog trainer and mountain dog recipe creator John meadows. After making progress on the booster, continue to tie the chin and pull up. "How to do it: start from the top of the suspender. Actively push your elbow down - focusing on pulling your shoulder blades down - and then pull yourself over the bar until it hits your upper chest. Return to the fully extended position under control and repeat.

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5. There may be no other exercise that shows that your overall strength is better than lifting. Pull 150% of your body weight once, or 85% five times. "Take off with intent and purpose," said Jon Erik kawamoto, the boss of JK conditioning. When you're getting heavier, doing these actions doesn't make you tough. "How to do it: aim a weight-bearing barbell at the middle of your feet (feet within shoulder width). Bend down and grab the bar. Pull the hips down, bend the hips, support the abdomen, and hold the barbell firmly. Stand up, pause, and lower the weight back to the ground.

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6. The weight of barbell squat is 125%

barbell squat has been known as "the king of all sports" by fitness mice. "Breathe and inhale air through the abdomen while trying to create 360 degree stability through the abdomen and lower back," said Jason placeway, Cincinnati's chiropractor and certified strength and conditioning expert. Before you squat, inhale and expand your abdominal and lower back muscles at the same time. "How to do it: place a barbell on your upper back and keep your shoulder blades together to create a strong foundation. Push your hips back and lower just below the parallel line. Be sure to center your weight on the heel and rotate E in the middle. Stand up bravely and stretch.


related: how to squat down correctly

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7. Completing 10 times of barbell hip joint push with 1.5 times of body weight

will put more "garbage" on their trunk, which is an excellent indicator of your hip, hamstring and lower back strength. To achieve this goal, combine your two sets of actions into a pyramid, perform 10 times in a group, 8 times in a group, 6 times in a group, and then 15 times in a group, "said BRET conteras, Arizona's strength coach and" gluteus maximus, "how to do it: roll a weight-bearing barbell onto your leg and let it sit in front of your hip. Bend your knees, raise your back on a standard bench, keep the barbell on the outside of your hips, then push it up until it's parallel to the ground, making sure you squeeze the gluteus maximus and don't over stretch your lower back.

correlation: 5 yoga postures, 8 hips stronger. Supporting a plank for two minutes with a strong core and a set of abdomen is not only beautiful, but also essential for lifting weight, performing better and maintaining no damage. " You should definitely do it every weekOne standard board at a time, "said Jason placeway, an expert on strength and air conditioning. However, do some more demanding sports, such as using a circular saw and stirring a pan on a stable ball. The shorter the time, the faster the strength will develop, and you will perform better in the backward sports. "How to do it: do push ups, but don't focus on your hands, but on your elbows. You should be in a straight line. Don't let your back sag.

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9. When power (the ability to generate power) is very important, women should also focus on developing and maintaining power (the speed and explosive power of power expression). If you're new to jumping, start with a 12 inch high surface, put your technology in, and then start there. Before the lower body training, try three to five jumps in three groups, and try to improve the water surface height every other training. What to do: stand in front of a box, step or bench. Before you squat down and lower your arms behind you, raise your arms above your head. When you push your arm back over your head, explode up. With soft knees, gently fall on the box. Step by step, do not jump, step back and reset completely.

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Credit: Adobe stock / Jacob Lund

How are you doing? Do you lift weights? Have you tried these exercises? What do you think of these intensity benchmarks? It's too hard? Too easy? What can you do already? Which direction are you still working in? What are your fitness goals? How are you going to achieve these goals? Please comment below and let us know.

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