Only five sports women need to lose weight



in your fitness program, strength training is necessary, especially for women. More and more studies show that strength training is a powerful tool for the treatment of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, hypertension, osteoporosis and age-related weight gain. Strength training also benefits your hormones - including cortisol, estrogen and testosterone (yes, ladies, you also have testosterone). This is the key to truly changing your body, preventing injuries, enhancing self-confidence and promoting general well-being. First, here are five actions that are absolutely necessary for every body, especially for women. All of these are based on some basic motion patterns. Read on to the next five movements that will strengthen the muscles that control almost every movement.

Credit: Kelsey Tucker / descripbethefauna. Com

1. The squat in the goblet is considered as a kind of leg pushing action which emphasizes gluteus maximus, hamstring, quadriceps femoris and core. It also improves the flexibility of the hip and ankle joints in low-risk sports. It puts more emphasis on posterior chain muscle, reducing the common problems of quadriceps femoris. This movement develops the strength needed to support the complex nature of other versions of traditional squats, stiff lifts or walking lunges. Because of the squat and torso position, this action is great for building functional core mechanics. Methods: feet were shoulder width apart, toes turned 11 and 1. Support your core to keep the natural curve on your lower back. Place dumbbells or kettlebells on your chest, elbows down. Bend your knees and slowly lower your hips, keeping your weight in constant contact with your upper chest. Squat down until your hips are below your knees. Pause at the bottom for two seconds, then press into the heel and return to standing, moving slightly faster than the reduced speed.

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resistance band should be to do three times more push-pull exercises (such as push ups), because women tend to be the weakest in the upper body. Your latissimus dorsi ("lats") extends from the upper arm to the spine and then to the pelvis. The drag band is ideal for women because it directly targets this muscle, promotes arm and hand stretch mechanics, teaches shoulder to hip anchoring, and reduces shoulder pressure. Method: fix a resistance belt around the safe things, or use the door accessories between the door and the door frame. Kneel on the floor with the band and stand so your arms are straight and there is a little tension in the band. Your arm should be at a 45 degree angle to the floor. Squeeze your hips, lock your pelvis directly under you, and lift up with a long, high spine. Pull the shoulder blades back and down toward the hips. Then pull with your upper back muscles, bend your elbows, and pull the handle up to your chest. Pause for two seconds and put your hands on your chest. Release to the start position and move slower than the pull phase.

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Credit: Kelsey Tucker / descripbethefauna. Com

3. Dumbbell chest fly

to maintain body balance, it is important to keep upper body strong through strength training. The two gold standard moves to strengthen the upper body are bench and chest fly. Dumbbell chest fly can enhance upper body strength without increasing muscle size. This action improves the pulling and pushing functions of chest muscles, while bench pressure focuses more on pushing. It also strengthens the arm to chest connection and improves shoulder function. The second benefit of this action is that it strengthens the biceps and makes the upper chest and neckline look strong and tense. Method: lying on the floor, feet flat, knees bent. Contract the abdominal muscles and stabilize the abdomen. Place dumbbells on your chest, shoulders down, elbows unlocked. First, slowly open your arms until the dumbbell is straight out of your shoulder without changing the angle of your elbow. Pause for two seconds. Contract the chest muscles to return the dumbbells to normal, faster than in the first stage.

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dead lift may be the most complex of all actions - it has great benefits. Similar to leg compression, it exercises all the major muscles in your lower body. However, it's better than most other movements because it not only improves the back chain muscles, strengthens your "traction" muscles, but also includes almost all muscles above your waist. This is especially good for women because it emphasizes the hamstring and gluteus maximus more than other lower body push movements. By strengthening these two major muscle groups, you can increase the basal metabolic rate, improve all the mechanical properties, and bring more support to the pelvis. How to do it: start standing with your feet planted on the floor, with your feet as wide apart as your hips. Bend over and grab a barbell (or pair of dumbbells). Mainly use your legs and knees), lift the barbell or dumbbell, and contract the gluteus maximus and hamstrings to stand up. Slowly put the weight back to the ground under control. Pause for two seconds at the bottom and repeat.

Credit: Kelsey Tucker / descripbethefauna. Com

5. The barbell press

on the top of the head is great because they help to make the movements of the left and right sides of the body symmetrical. This action is mainly aimed at the deltoid, which is responsible for pushing the upper body up and out. Shoulder neck problem has almost become an epidemic, which improves shoulder joint function and requires core stability. This is a good move to improve the core stability of standing posture. Methods: stand straight with feet as wide as hips, hands on chest and palms out. Don't arch your back. Use your shoulder and upper back muscles to lift the barbell over your head. Pause for two seconds. Don't lock your elbows. With control and repetition, place the barbell back on your chest.


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integral: Kelsey Tucker / descripbethefauna. Com

What do you think? Are you training regularly? Have you integrated these movements into your training? What changes have you noticed in your body, posture or overall health and mental state? How often do you do strength training? What else do you rely on to build up your strength and build up your body? Share your thoughts, suggestions, and questions in the comments section below.

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