How to adjust your hips and thighs once a minute



no band, bar, bell, ball, bench or box? It's no big deal. All you need is your weight, 10 minutes (or 10 1 minute intervals a day) and a willingness to work hard. The lower body Blitzkrieg will shape all your major lower body muscles in one minute, a perfect temporary solution if you find yourself in a sit up, traveling, or simply unable to get into the gym.

Credit: Travis McCoy / Livestrong. Com

how to do these exercises

grasp the timer, stopwatch or clock to simplify the circuit and maintain high intensity. Do each of the following 10 exercises in a cycle for 60 seconds, taking as little rest as possible between exercises. Although you should keep your intensity and rhythm high, don't sacrifice your form or formation. Are you ready for the challenge? Take two to three minutes off and repeat the cycle. This track is not intended to replace your normal lower body gym training for a long time: it means fast and effective maintenance and exercise in time when your life is in trouble and your environment is not ideal. Now listen to: how to turn anxiety into your best friend's credit: span> Travis McCoy / livestorksurn /

1. 1.5 squat

how to do: stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width, toes slightly outstretched. Push your hips back a little, bend your knees, squat down, keep your torso fairly straight, and keep your heels down. Lean your upper body back, then squat your lower body again immediately, and then stand back to the starting position. This is a repetition. Repeat as many high quality repeats as possible in 60 seconds.


2. How to do it alternately: lie on your back, bend your knees, and put your feet on the floor. Lift your hips off the floor and squeeze your gluteus maximus. When you reach the top, extend your right leg so that your hips don't sag. Stay in this position for a second, then return the right leg to the starting position. Keep your hips up and repeat on your left leg. Continue alternating back and forth from the right leg to the left for 60 seconds.


3. How to do it: stand with your feet together. With your right leg on the ground, squat down for a deep lunge and keep your torso upright. Stand in a separate position and squat again on the same leg. Stand up, feet together. Repeat the same double lunge with your left leg. Continue the right leg and left leg alternating lunges for 60 seconds.


4. How to do the hip joint in separate standing posture

suppose that the right leg is forward and the left leg is backward. There should be 18 inches between your right heel and left toe. Your right foot should be flat, but you should only be on the ball on your left foot. As your torso moves forward and eventually parallel to the floor, soften your right knee and rotate at your right hip joint (push your right hip cheek back). You should feel your right hamstring hurt. Stand back. Complete as many high-quality repetitions as possible in 30 seconds, then change the position and repeat the left foot forward for 30 seconds.

integral: Travis McCoy /

5. How to do alternating side lunges:

with legs straight, toes pointing forward, and a wide position. Bend the right knee, push the right hip backward, and do a deep side lunge to keep the trunk straight. Go through your right heel and stand up. Pause briefly, then repeat on the left. Continue alternating back and forth for 60 seconds.

Credit: Travis McCoy / Livestrong. Com

6. Operation method of frog pump:

lie on your back, bend your knees, put your feet together, touch the sole of your feet, and let your knees stretch to both sides. Bring your chin to your chest, elbows to the floor, and hips up. Pause in the retracted position, squeeze the gluteus maximus and return to the ground. Repeat as many times as possible in 60 seconds.

integral: Travis McCoy /

7. How to do it: stand a little wider than shoulder with feet apart and toes slightly outstretched. Push your hips back, bend your knees, squat a few inches, and keep your torso upright. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Immediately squat into a half squat or parallel squat, and keep for another 15 seconds. Finally, squat further down to the squat position below the parallel line for another 30 seconds.

integral: Travis McCoy /

8. Squat jump

how to do: the width of the feet apart is slightly larger than the shoulder width, and the toes slightly open outwards. Push your hips back, bend your knees, squat, and keep your torso upright. Jump up. When landing, absorb the impact with a soft knee, and then immediately move on to the next move. In this way for 60 seconds. If you're tired early on, take a few seconds to recover and resume movement as soon as possible for the rest of the time.

CR editor: Travis McCoy / ISO split squat method: adopt split squat, right leg forward, left leg backward. There should be 18 inches between your right heel and left toe. Your right foot should be flat, but you should only be on the ball on your left foot. Do a deep lunge down until your left knee is a few inches off the ground. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then repeat on the left for 30 seconds.


10. How to do the squat separately:

stand apart, with the right leg forward and the left leg backward. Before you cross your right heel and return to your starting position, take the next deep lunge. Repeat as many times as possible in 30 seconds before switching to the left and repeating for another 30 seconds.

points: Travis McCoy / Livestrong. Com

What do you think? What is your lower body movement like? Do you do these exercises? What are your favorite sports? Is there anything else you recommend? Share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below!

Credit: Travis McCoy /


