Train like a professional football player with these sandbags


Football is one of the most intense, powerful and tenacious sports. Preparing to play such a violent and demanding game has put more emphasis on strength and conditions. Although there are many different methods and training, sandbag training is a kind of training that can be used for strength, strength and stability. Sandbags can hit the angle and position that other instruments can't, so that any player is ready for unpredictable games such as football. Coupled with the instability of sandbags, you can have a comprehensive plan to solve all kinds of sports requirements. Time for the game! So try this sandbag football training yourself.

integral: Josh Henkin / ultimatesandbagtraining. Com

1. The development of strength is an important factor in football. Snatch helps develop this power in full body explosive motion. Operation method: hold the sandbag with the grip handle to make the sandbag cling to the body. Turn your hips forward and keep your arms locked. Pull the sandbag up your body explosively, just like you're trying to "jump" the weight of your head. Rotate the sandbags quickly to absorb the weight of the top of the head. Instead of letting the weight pull you back, focus on pushing it up. Rotate the sandbag to the front and lower it to the ground for a complete repeat.

related: learn more about the ultimate sandbag training system

Credit: Josh Henkin / ultimate sandbag training. Com

2. Half kneeling press


development momentum, you need to have a solid foundation. Half kneeling press is an excellent exercise to exercise the whole body strength and stability. In the semi kneeling position, pressing the unstable sandbag on the top of the head will make all muscles of the hip, abdomen and upper body work together to complete the action. How to operate: clean the sandbag to the chest level, and then slowly lower into the lunge, so that your back knee gently lying on the ground. Dig the toes of the back foot and the heel of the front foot to the ground to engage the hips. Hold up your core, then slowly press the sandbag over your head. Moving too fast can make sandbags more unstable. Lower to chest level and repeat several times before changing legs.

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points: Josh Henkin / ultimatesandbaggtraining. Com

3. Squatting in front load has a long history in football. Building strong legs is definitely a goal, but building strength in all major muscle groups is better. Using the preload position, your core, upper back and arms also participate in the squat. Just like in football, muscle groups don't work in isolation; on the contrary, the strongest players are those who can block, play or tackle with full body strength. Operation method: clean the sandbag to the front loading position. Adjust the position of the elbow as if it were protecting the ribs, and pull the center of gravity towards the body. When squatting, push your knees forward and continue to pull your weight into your body to avoid bending your upper or lower back. Once you have reached the bottom position, consider pushing your elbows up so you can quickly rise to the top without locking your knees.

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Credit: Josh Henkin / ultimatesandbagtraining. Com

4. How fast you run and how much you hit on a good morning with a good preload is a direct result of having a strong hip and a strong core. Teaching them to work together can give you more power. Good morning preload did an amazing job, combining the elements of front plate and hip joint movement, like a dead board. The end result is an overloaded exercise. Operation method: clean the sandbag to the front loading position. Bend your knees and pull the weight of the sandbag into your body. Start sitting on your hips and hinge forward bending your knees no more than the starting position. Your hamstrings should have a strong stretch. You should weigh more than your heel. Keep your shoulders back, and once your chest is parallel to the ground, use both feet to force yourself back up.

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integral: Josh Henkin /

5. A strong back in supine position helps to prevent problems with the shoulder joint and also makes your push muscles stronger. Upper row is a great movement that has achieved both. In fact, you are in a stooping position, making the upper row an incredible core workout as well. Sandbags are unusual because the weight is so far away from handling that resistance is more challenging than dumbbells or barbells. Operation method: hold the grip handle so that the palm is facing the body. Lift the weight, then slowly slide the sandbag down the body until your torso is parallel to the ground or before you rotate on your lower back. Slowly pull your weight toward your body and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Aim for 4 to 5 seconds and bring the sandbag back to the starting point to highlight the lowering phase.

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Credit: Josh Henkin / ultimatesandbagtraining. Com

6. The real core strength of

around the world is not just how much tension you can generate, it also includes how fast you can relax. It's called having a reaction core that allows us to run faster, change direction and adapt to our opponents. But standard ab exercises like sit ups and planks don't teach these concepts. That's why exercises around the world are critical to the whole core development. Method: place the sandbag close to the hip and rotate one foot towards the sandbag. Move the sandbag up your body and wrap it around your back like a jacket. The key is to resist movement in your torso and let your feet create movement. Once it's behind you, make sure you don't lean back because you continue to move around your body until you start. Repeat the above steps before switching directions.


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points: Josh Henkin / ultimatesandbagtraining. Com

7. Curling of biceps is no secret. Football involves a lot of wrestling, from chipping to breaking. While simple exercises like bicep curls shouldn't make up most of your exercise, they can help prevent injuries and improve performance. Sandbags bring a new element: when devices such as dumbbells and barbells curl, the actual weight due to leverageThe amount will decrease. With sandbags, the tension of the whole movement will be very high. How to do it: hold the grip handle so that your palm is facing up. Stand tall and activate your hips and torso with your heels. Put your shoulders back and roll up the weight. Resist any back or shoulder movement by supporting your abdomen. Pause for a moment, slowly lose weight, do not lose good posture or posture.

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score: Josh Henkin / ultimatesandbagtraining. Com

8. High altitude walking

when running fast or providing batting that changes the rules of the game, it is crucial to develop a powerful middle section! However, you don't develop the necessary core strength just by doing sit ups, sit ups, or even tablet sports. A sandbag walk overhead will give you strength on the court. Walking, especially holding sandbags on your head, can cause core instability, so keeping your torso in the same position can be challenging. Every step feels like you've been pulled out of place. Research shows that the head position in the core may be more difficult than squatting or even lifting, so maintaining an unstable weight on the head will make your exercise more intense! How to operate: clean the sandbag until the fist is flush with the chest, then press it on the top of the head when locking the elbow, and do not over stretch the elbow. Make sure the weight is above the head and the elbows are fully extended. Squeeze your shoulders back and down to help spread the load throughout your body. Start walking slowly and feel how the weight pulls back and forth. Do not tilt or change position to adapt to sandbag instability.

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Credit: Josh Henkin /

What do you think? Have you ever trained with sandbags? What's your favorite action? All your former (and present) football players tell us: how do you train every season? Is there anything we forgot to include? Please let us know in the comments below!

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Credit: Mike Watson pictures / moodboard / Getty pictures


