Top 10 homemade vegetable hamburger recipes



it's a vegetarian burger, so it's healthy, right? Not so fast. Unfortunately, some packaged veggie burgers contain unhealthy, over processed ingredients. All of this can be avoided if you do it yourself. Each of our delicious vegetarian hamburger recipes is made of clean whole food ingredients, which will increase your intake of plant-based food. For the best (and most solid) results, baking is the best choice for several vegetable pies. Like barbecue? Choose one of the three burger recipes. For the rest, just cook the hamburger pie in advance according to the instructions, then cool down, then spray the natural cooking spray and heat it until it is hot.

Credit: Jackie Nugent

1. Buffalo cauliflower burgers

these vegetarian burgers are inspired by Buffalo chicken wings, but there is no chicken in this recipe. Broccoli is king here. If you can find it, use purple broccoli. Purple is an indicator of anthocyanin for health protection. Of course, all the broccoli is good for you. The flavour of "wild buffalo wings" is a significant chilli sauce that promotes metabolism. Hamburgers can be served with whole wheat bread, blue cheese seasoning and maestro. If you want to control carbs, you can skip bread. Calories: 294.

correlation: complete recipe: Buffalo broccoli burger

Credit: Jackie Nugent

2. Quinoa burger with black beans and eggs need not be put in bread, especially when there are grains in the pie. When there is no bundle, make the add-on unforgettable. You can top these versatile black bean burgers with pickles, fried eggs and scallions. Kimchi is a hot and sour Korean fermented vegetable, usually cabbage. It has probiotics ("friendly" bacteria) that help improve digestion and promote nutrient absorption. Can't you find kimchi in the shop? All you have to do is sprinkle the spicy sauce on the Asian hamburger. Calories: 356.

correlation: complete formula: egg and black bean quinoa burger

score: Jackie Nugent

roasted vegetable and garlic sauce "hamburger"

one of the most delicious hamburgers is made of something that does not form hamburger pie at all! The baked Porto Bello mushroom hat is a smoky and delicious hamburger. Mushroom itself is the source of vitamin D, so it's good for your bones and cheese. Mushrooms are served with roasted red bell peppers, velvety Haas avocado, crisp red onions, fresh alfalfa sprouts and light vegetable pesto, then on toasted sesame bread. Calories: 291.

correlation: complete recipe: roasted vegetable sauce "hamburger"

Credit: Jackie Nugent

4. Falafel hummus burger

if you like falafel, you will like this new one. The falafel mixture is made into hamburger pies and baked, not into balls and fried. Thanks to extra virgin olive oil and high oven temperatures, you can still get just the right amount of richness and crispness. In any case, chickpeas can get health protection from flavonoids and phenolic acids. Use whole wheat English muffins with tahini and lemon purple cabbage to make these falafel cakes. Decorate it with bread and buttered pickles, tomatoes and other accessories like your favorite chili sauce. Calories: 397.

correlation: complete formula: falafel chickpea burger

score: Jackie Nugent

5. The sweet potato slider with avocado sauce comes in many shapes and sizes. Here, they are slider size, so you can enjoy three of them instead of just one! They are a mixture of organic tofu, fried sweet potato, red onion and garlic. Hummus and whole wheat breadcrumbs help the mixture to form patties. Coriander adds a fresh and distinct flavor. What's more, these plain slides are roasted brown and coated with avocado sauce. Drenching them with hot sauce or salsa can give you extra stimulation of taste and boost your metabolism! Finally, eat crispy lettuce leaves instead of rolls to control carbohydrates. Calories: 417.

correlation: complete formula: sweet potato slider with avocado sauce

credit card: Jackie Nugent

6. All American Vegetarian cheeseburgers want traditional American cheeseburgers, but do you want meat? Do this! Pie is vegan, so add vegan cheddar cheese on top to make it completely plant-centered. But you can add natural Cheddar to this burger. The meat cake uses lentils as the base material, and the texture is plump. By the way, lentils are rich in fiber and folate, so your heart will thank you for eating these "pulse" patties. Time saving tips: mix the burgers in advance, cover them, cool them, and make patties and barbecues if necessary. Calories: 425.

correlation: complete formula: all American Vegetarian cheeseburger


points: Jackie Nugent

7. Grilled bolo cheese burger

healthy cheese burger? Of course! Just replace the beef with a toasted Portobello Mushroom cover and add natural cheese like Muenster. You will have all the cheese, but no extra calories and "bad" fat. In addition, you'll get ergot sulfur, a powerful antioxidant that naturally exists in mushrooms and helps protect human cells. You can also put some ingredients on it for extra nutrition and enjoyment, including cream avocado and sauce. Onions and spicy sesame. Calories: 297.

correlation: complete formula: Roasted Porto bolo cheese burger

score: Jackie Nugent

8. Can't we decide whether it's a vegetable burger or a salad? This is a complete meal. You can eat both. Hamburgers are made of white beans, small Bella mushrooms, garlic and coriander. You can put it on a green bed and lightly coat it with white balsamic vinegar. Then put the caramel and sweet onion on the hamburger. (HMM.) For added sweetness, top with avocado sauce and caramel onions. Then simply enjoy everything in each bite. This is a refreshing choice for veggie burgers. It also has many heart health benefits. Calories: 408。

correlation: complete formula: California white bean hamburger salad

score: Jackie Nugent

9. If you are a fan of roasted vegetables, this is for you. It's inspired by an ordinary hamburger, but it's made of 100% vegetables! Bread is toasted eggplant. Hamburger is a baked tomato. Lettuce is a small sesame vegetable wrapped with balsamic vinegar. The condiment of choice is pure mayonnaise. It's abstract in nature, but when you cut it in, it looks like a rare hamburger. Yes, you must have a knife and fork to enjoy it. Eat with white bean salad or other protein rich foods to make the food more abundant. It's a real pleasure - even meat eaters! Calories: 136.

correlation: complete formula: roasted vegetable "hamburger"

score: Jackie Nugent

10. No bunch of red beet hamburger, with cheese and cheese. The classic cooking combination is beet and cheese. They became a smart hamburger here. The pie is made of kidney beans, pre cooked brown rice, hemp seeds, ground raw beets, fried mushrooms and red onions, with seasoning and eggs. In addition, due to the double attack of protein and fiber, even without bread, it will be filled. The best way to do this is to put a salad on top of it in a more carbohydrate friendly way. A little bit of Parmesan cheese will make it taller. Calories: 337.

related: complete recipe: no bunch of red beet hamburger with cheese and goat milk

credit card: Jackie Nugent

What do you think? Would you like a vegetarian, Turkey or beef burger? Do you have your favorite vegetable burger at the grocery store or restaurant? Which one? What's your favorite veggie burger ingredient? Please leave a comment below and let us know.

correlation: 16 food nutritionists will not be exposed to


