10 upper body exchanges to improve your performance



as the saying goes, "crazy is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results" also applies to your exercise. Over time, your muscles will adapt to the same old habits. This means that you can get better benefits from changing things. It's a good way to switch from one sport to another, for the same muscle group, but activate slightly different parts of the muscle, which can make your results more perfect and shape the arms and chest you want. If you've completed your upper body training on the autopilot, it may be time to pick yourself up. Start with an exchange of recommendations from these experts.

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1. Replace: traditional biceps curl: Hammer curl

in traditional biceps curl, the arm is in a supination state (Palm forward), so biceps brachii is highly active, said Dr. Shannan Lynch, vice president of operations of out fit fitness solutions. In hammer bending, your arm is in a neutral position, so the biceps (forearm muscle) and biceps (below the biceps) are highly active, and act as the main elbow flexor to complete the movement. "Biceps is a major fast twitch muscle, so it's a good exercise for those who are heavier. When you focus on isolated training, you need to reduce the time of repeated training.

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2. Exchange: dumbbell row: bow down row

traditional single arm dumbbell row, whether single arm or double arm, requires equal work of both arms, rhombus, middle trap and posterior deltoid muscle, said Shannan Lynch, certified strength and state coach. " So if one side of your body is weaker, that side may feel heavier. The barbell bending in rows also exercises muscles, but requires more trunk stability. "The reason is that the spine is more crooked, and you exercise with your hands on the barbell so that you can lift a load that is heavier than the load on one side." If you want to combine bending with knee bending, bow rowing is a good exercise, "Lynch said.

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3. Exchange: chest push-up: push-up refers to: push-up, and sports such as chest push-up and cable crossing are very effective for the high muscle activation of pectoralis major muscle (the main muscle of the chest). Push-up is a more functional sport, which can effectively train one of the five major sports of the body, the American Sports Committee (ACE) health and Fitness Education Senior Advisor Ask Jessica Matthews that this is a pattern. You use this pattern for everyday activities, such as pushing a shopping cart or throwing a ball in the yard with children. Functional activities include different muscle groups working together in an integrated way, rather than working in isolation. " Because push up is a kind of compound exercise, it can not only exercise the pectoralis major muscle, but also use other muscles to help exercise, such as the triceps, or stabilize the body against gravity, such as the abdomen. During the exercise process, "

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4. Swap: triceps stretch: the triceps of the osteoclast have several designs, but they all have a similar feature - it's a closed chain sport, certified strength and conditioning coach Shannan Lynch said. This means that your hand is fixed to a surface (that is, the handle is fixed to a fixed machine). Closed chain training usually provides more stability to the moving joints, "but it increases the stability of the machine, which means you don't challenge the supporting muscles as effectively as possible. Don't let the name scare you. Proper skull crushing is not more dangerous than any other triceps exercise. "You're lying on your back and doing a skull smashing operation to remove the weight from your spine," Lynch said. This sport requires that your rotator cuff, or even your serrated (rib) muscles, remain stable. "

related: a quick workout to adjust and tighten your triceps. Exchange: triceps kickback: triceps overhead stretch

both are good triceps options, but for some people, it may be difficult to achieve the perfect kickback form. " Correct posture is essential not only for effective targeting of triceps, but also to prevent the spine from carrying additional loads. Switching to overhead extensions may be easier to refine. Sit on a stability ball or bench with dumbbells in both hands. By straightening the elbow, slowly press the dumbbell on the top of the head until the center of gravity is directly on the top of the head, the palm is facing up, and the dumbbell is suspended vertically on the palm. Bend the elbow to reduce weight and return it to its starting position.

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6. Swap: tilt chest flight: single arm dumbbell press

in general, single arm exercises require more balance, so more core activation than two arm exercises. They also help to strengthen the arms of the weak, because most people have a dominant side, and in bilateral relations, the weak side can make up for that. Lateral movement. Pete McColl, a San Diego based personal trainer, said the tilt pectoralis uses the pectoralis major and the anterior deltoid, while one arm press involves the pectoralis, the anterior deltoid (back shoulder) and the triceps. Would you like to zoom in a little bit more? " "It's better to stand and press an arm with a rope (than lying on a bench) because it uses a spine stabilizer to keep it stable when the arm is pressing the weight," he said. It also uses more muscle, so it burns more calories. "

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head shoulder pressure will bring pressure to shoulder joint, making some people feel pain, said personal trainer Peter McColl. Traction mainly uses the posterior muscles - deltoid and triceps. This helps to lengthen the humerus and reduce the stress in the shoulder joint. "Cause"Well, if someone has shoulder pain when pressing overhead, this switch is particularly suitable, "he said.

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side lift mainly works on the deltoid (shoulder), but it involves your oblique muscle and challenges your core stability to lift from both arms to single arm. In addition, one arm movement allows you to operate each arm independently, strengthening the weaker side.

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9. Exchange: sit in a row, for: resistance cable cutting

in this cutting change, use one side at a time, you can use more weight on each arm. " Heavier loads (higher weights) produce more mechanical stress in the tissues and also have a greater impact on metabolism (muscles produce contractile energy). "Metabolism and mechanical stress are essential for muscle size and strength development.


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10. Interchangeability: Missionary curl: biceps curl and twist [

although they are an effective biceps movement, missionary curl only uses one primary muscle, biceps brachii, to bend and extend elbow joint, personal trainer Pete McCall said. The traditional biceps curl, which starts with the hands turning to the body and ends with the hands facing the chest, uses the humerus and radial humerus muscles, which connect the radius to the humerus, to help rotate the forearm. " "This extra rotation may involve smaller muscles," McColl said. As their strength and size increase, they can show stronger, healthier arms. "


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What do you think? Which exercises will you change this week? Do these tips motivate you to change your lifestyle? What's your favorite sports exchange? Try one of these switches and share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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