Nine things you may not know about eggs


If your breakfast is not a breakfast without eggs, then you are not alone. Whether it's fried eggs, boiled eggs or made sweet or fragrant, eggs are becoming more and more popular. According to the data of the American egg board, Americans eat an average of four more eggs a year. The U.S. Department of agriculture forecasts that in 2014, each person will eat an average of 255 eggs. Although eggs have been touted as artery blockers, they are healthier than you think - especially some varieties. Read on to learn more about this protein rich power station, and the benefits you might get from it.

points: see January 20. Size matters... In the United States, eggs come in many sizes, ranging from medium to extra large. This is actually based on the weight of the egg, not the volume. While the size of an egg doesn't change the nutrients it contains, the bigger the egg, the more nutrients you harvest - and the more calories you consume. Most recipes require large eggs; using medium or large eggs can change the consistency of certain dishes, such as custard and cake. To be precise, when using eggs different in size from the size required for baked goods, delicacy recommends measuring them with a spoon. A large egg is equal to three quarter spoons (two quarter spoons of white and a round spoon of yolk). Egg size doesn't matter in frying pan dishes such as scrambled eggs and pancakes.

related: 11 simple new egg recipes you may not have tried. Eggs are rich in nutrients due to their cholesterol content in the yolk and are thought to be a factor in heart disease, but more than 40 years of research have shown that eggs can be part of a healthy diet. This is good news because only 70 calories of eggs provide high quality protein, lutein and zeaxanthin (two antioxidants for eye health), vitamins A, D, B12, riboflavin, phosphorus and folate. They also provide choline, which helps brain function in adults and brain development during pregnancy. "

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a weight beneficial option


including eggs in a balanced diet can help you better control your weight." Protein from foods like eggs helps keep us full and satisfied throughout the day. Christman added: "it also plays an important role in maintaining lean meat quality during weight loss. Muscle tissue can increase your metabolism. A large egg contains about 70 calories and 6 grams of protein, which is a relatively low calorie protein source. This is important because it takes less calories to lose weight than to exercise. Replacing three ounces of sausage with boiled or boiled eggs for breakfast can save you about 200 calories.

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4. It is particularly important to get enough protein after exercise, which is the value of a good fitness food. It helps rebuild and repair your hard-working muscle tissue and makes the right amino acids (components of thin tissue) available to your muscles. " "When customers want to keep fit, I always encourage them to add protein sources to every meal and snack," said Carissa bealert, a registered dietitian and certified personal trainer in Orlando, Florida. She described eggs as a nutritious and convenient way. As a nutritious post exercise snack, eat a boiled egg and fresh fruit or whole wheat biscuit.

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5. The source of vitamin D is

your body absorbs vitamin D through sunlight and eating certain foods, but it is very difficult to meet your daily needs only through food. Because eggs are one of the few natural sources of vitamin D, adding eggs to your diet can help you avoid a lack. " "If you don't get a lot of sun exposure or your body doesn't absorb vitamin D effectively, then eggs can be a good place to get a daily dose," says registered dietitian Carissa bearert. A large yolk can provide 41 international units of vitamin D, which can meet 10% of the daily needs of adults, although some experts believe that the intake should be higher, about 1000 to 2000 units per day. The American Egg Board said that color does not affect nutrients. Many people think brown eggs are healthier than white, but the color of the shell has no effect on the quality or cooking performance of eggs. The color of the yolk can vary depending on the hen's feed, but this does not reflect the nutritional composition very well, although vitamin A and lutein may vary slightly. Regardless of color, yolk is an important source of vitamins, minerals and fats, while white provides rich protein and riboflavin. A large boiled egg provides about 6 g of protein, nearly 5 g of fat and 0.2 mg of riboflavin, which is more than 20% of women's daily B vitamins.


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No.7. A large egg contains 1.5g saturated fat, 1.8g monounsaturated fat and 1g polyunsaturated fat. Some eggs strengthen omega-3 fat by providing a diet that strengthens omega-3 fat to hens; this will be noted on the cartons. A large egg can also provide 185 milligrams of cholesterol.

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8. Freshness is the best

you may throw away eggs too early. If the eggs are properly stored in the refrigerator, they can be used within three weeks after "by sales date". They age faster at room temperature, so don't leave them outside too long. Place the eggs in the main part of the refrigerator to keep them in the best condition and discard them after two hours at room temperature or one hour at a hotter temperature. In order to get the highest quality eggs, please eat them before the best date or use date, and prepare them with clean hands and tableware.

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9. Balance is the key. Just like all foods, moderate intake is part of a balanced, healthy diet that helps ensure your nutritional health. You can also choose other healthy proteins, such as fish and beans, and, where possible, match all protein sources with nutritional carbohydrate and fat sources. According to the 2010 U.S. dietary guidelines, important foods that Americans often lack in their diets include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, calcium rich foods such as fish and fortified dairy products, and healthy sources of fat such as nuts and seeds.

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What do you think? Do you often eat eggs? What's your favorite way to make eggs? Do you have any Egg Recipes to share with you? Which fact surprised you the most? Please leave a message below to let us know!

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