You can make nine simple recipes in a blender


We seldom use blenders except for smoothies and occasional margaritas. But don't let this kitchen utensil accumulate dust! Did you know that you can use a blender to make dinner and dessert while saving time? From pies to ice cream, you can find our nine delicious recipes in the blender.

Credit: Jenna Butler

1. Super jam


of course, og peanut butter is great, but super jam is the next level. When you can enjoy three or four nuts, why only one nut for taste and health benefits? Here, cashew nuts, walnuts and almonds are mixed with flaxseed and flaxseed to make the taste of nuts more complex and delicious. In some products on the market, you don't need to add sugar or oil, you just need to add salt. Once you've tasted this homemade nut butter, you'll never go shopping again.

related: complete recipe - Super nut butter

Credit: Jenna Butler

2. Mint chocolate smoothie

this Mint Chocolate smoothie is refreshing. It's green, healthy, but it's really delicious - you swear it's dessert. This recipe combines frozen bananas, chocolate protein powder, spinach, almond milk and two real stars: cocoa beans and fresh mint leaves. Cocoa beans help promote heart health, while mint leaves help promote digestion.

related: complete formula - Mint Chocolate Slice smoothie

Credit: Jenna Butler

almond milk

since you can easily make your own, why do you want to buy almond milk in the store? All you need is a fine mesh or mesh (and your blender, of course). You can creatively flavor milk. Here we use maple sugar, vanilla beans and cinnamon. Add milk to your coffee or cereal, or drink it directly!

correlation: whole formula - almond milk

Credit: Jenna Butler

4. A bowl of frozen Spanish salad is refreshing. Here, we take chickpeas, corn and avocado to a new level; it's a main course. The complex combination of carbohydrates, protein, fiber and healthy fat gives this once simple appetizer real endurance. You can add pepper as you like to increase the heat.

related: full set of recipes - rich gazpacho bowl

credit card: Jenna Butler

5. Raw Mini pie crust

the bottom of this pie -- pecan, almond, sunflower seed and date -- can be matched with different fillings, such as lime, coconut cream and chocolate. They're easy to make and don't need any baking - perfect for people who need time. These crusts are so delicious that you may even like them without any stuffing.


related: complete recipe - raw Mini pie crust

Credit: Jenna Butler

6. Vegetarian garlic sauce

this non palm garlic sauce is a very suitable sauce for vegetarians. It also changes pine nuts into pistachios. Pistachio is rich in nutrients. Unlike other nuts, it contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which are very important to keep your peel healthy. You can make bread dip, salad sauce or pasta sauce with garlic sauce. No matter how you use it, it will improve the quality of any dish.

correlation: whole recipe - Vegetarian garlic sauce

Credit: Jenna Butler

7. There is no such self-made mixed coffee in the coffee shop. Combined with protein powder, frozen bananas, espresso and skim milk, this FRAP is a good start to your morning. What we're talking about here is efficiency: caffeine for breakfast. You don't even know what to do with the extra time in the morning (although it sounds good to sleep a few more minutes!).

correlation: full formula - Protein Blend Coffee

Credit: Jenna Butler

8. Strawberry Basil ice cream is never easy to make by yourself. The best thing is that you can control which ingredients are added. Here, frozen strawberries (you can also use fresh ones) are mixed with coconut milk, honey, vanilla and basil. this is it! Basil leaves are rich in essential vitamins - including vitamins A and K. In addition, they add a unique flavor to your ice cream.

correlation: complete formula strawberry Basil ice cream

Credit: Jenna Butler

9. Of course, you can buy bottled jam from the store, but why is the homemade jam much better? By mixing different oils and vinegar, you can customize your dressing no matter what you do. We mixed lime juice, olive oil, garlic, coriander, white vinegar, honey, salt to taste, and a little Mexican pepper. It goes well with poultry, tacos and even oven cooked vegetables.

related: full set of recipes - Lyme coriander sauce

Credit: Jenna Butler

What do you think? What do you do with a blender? What's your favorite blender recipe? Which of these recipes are you interested in? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

correlation: 9 different breakfast smoothies


