12 classic comfort foods Vegan



comfortable food can soothe your heart, wrap you in a warm and reassuring blanket, and make everything better. Unfortunately, for most of us, comfortable food usually means high sugar, carbohydrates or fat, such as pizza, ice cream, MAC and cheese. Here's our health experience with 12 of the most soothing and comfortable foods, which don't contain dairy products, eggs or meat (i.e. vegan friendly), because plant foods also need comfort. These recipes taste complex, but they are extremely simple to make. Because let's face it: when we want comfort, we'd rather stay on the sofa than in the kitchen.

credit card: Sherrie Castellano / livestrong.com

1. Mac and cheese and peas

this Mac and cheese is a little off the box traditional taste, but the texture and cream taste will make you satisfied in exactly the same way. And there are peas in it, so you won't face the evil monster after eating the whole bowl. Calories: 362

related: please refer to the complete recipe and nutrition information in livestrong.com's calorie tracking system

Credit: Sherrie Castellano / livestrong.com

2. Vegetable fried rice is a super fast Chinese food set meal. You can make it at home, which contains a lot of vegetables. If you don't have the vegetables on hand - peas, carrots, corn - dice the vegetables you have, from mushrooms to collards. If your rice is prepared in advance, it will be ready in a few minutes. Calories: 268

related: please refer to the complete formula and nutrition information in livestrong.com's calorie tracking system

Credit: Sherrie Castellano / livestrong.com

3. Roasted Porphyra with spinach and vanilla whey powder

mmmmmm. Dough. These noodles are seasoned tofu made of spinach and vanilla whey powder. They are crispy and delicious. Eat this warm. Freeze the rest and put it back in the oven on rainy days. Calories: 319

related: please refer to the complete formula and nutrition information in livestrong.com's calorie tracking system

Credit: Shirley Castellano / Livestrong. Com

4. French fries are rich in bean sprouts and Green Goddess sauce. Because of their crisp, greasy and salty taste, French fries are one of the most popular comfortable foods. Making your own chips at home is not as difficult as you think. Suffocate it with this green tahini sauce and you'll be addicted to it forever. Calories: 318

related: please refer to the complete recipe and nutrition information in livestrong.com's calorie tracking system

Credit: Sherrie Castellano / livestrong.com

5. Have you ever used dark chocolate in delicious dishes? If you don't, start with this recipe. This spicy lentil pepper has all the flavors of the traditional chili formula, but dark chocolate brings depth and cumin cream balances everything. That's great. You'll forget all the cheese and sour cream. Calories: 377

related: please refer to the complete formula and nutrition information in livestrong.com's calorie tracking system

Credit: Sherrie Castellano / livestrong.com

6. Grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are special. This childhood favorite comfort food brings you back to an era of simple and carefree life. The baked, sticky Pb and j are a little special. This is the next level. Calories: 340


related: please refer to the complete formula and nutrition information in livestrong.com's calorie tracking system

Credit: Sherrie Castellano / livestrong.com

7. Garlic pizza mashed with olives, onions and oregano is soothing. When you put roasted, cream flavored, caramel flavored garlic on it, you forget about cheese or even something. Calories: 413

related: please refer to the complete formula and nutrition information in livestrong.com's calorie tracking system

Credit: Sherrie Castellano / livestrong.com

8. Peanut butter and chocolate milkshakes are sweet, rich and creamy - is this a milkshake, except it doesn't contain dairy products at all? That's right: you don't need ice cream to make this kind of smoothie, but you won't know. The texture is very good. It can be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator. Calories: 510

related: please refer to the complete formula and nutrition information in livestrong.com's calorie tracking system

Credit: Sherrie Castellano / livestrong.com

9. Beans and green tacos

you won't miss these beans and green tacos. Classic taste, with fresh onion, coriander, avocado and your favorite hot sauce. Calories: 433

related: please refer to the complete recipe and nutrition information in livestrong.com's calorie tracking system

Credit: Sherrie Castellano / livestrong.com

10. The classic comfort food includes pie crust and a lot of butter, but this light soup will make you feel better rather than heavy. This soup is based on cashew nuts, which provide a rich cream soup without any dairy or gluten. It is also rich in natural antioxidants. In addition to corn, peas, mushrooms and carrots, there are onions, garlic, thyme, laurel leaves and other spices. Calories: 457

related: please refer to the complete recipe and nutrition information in livestrong.com's calorie tracking system

Credit: Sherrie Castellano / livestrong.com

11. What's more comfortable than a bowl of hot mashed potatoes with a salty gravy? No kidding. This aromatic gravy combines a perfect blend of depth and freshness, free of butter, cream and animal waste. Pour it on mashed potatoes or cookies, or scoop it out of the pot with a spoon - that's fine. Calories: 49

related: please refer to the complete recipe and nutrition information in livestrong.com's calorie tracking system

Credit: Sherrie Castellano / livestrong.com

12. What's better than curling up on a sofa and eating a netWhat about flying and cheese popcorn? There are many vegan cheese popcorn recipes on the Internet, but this one is the best. The mixture and proportions of coconut oil, nutritious yeast and garlic cover the nuts. Calories: 76

related: please refer to the complete formula and nutrition information in livestrong.com's calorie tracking system

Credit: Sherrie Castellano / livestrong.com

What do you think?

what is your favorite comfort food? What vegetarian dishes would you like to make first? Please share your thoughts and opinions with us below.

correlation: gluten free pancakes

Credit: butterkeszewitsky / iStock / Getty Images


